Scraping FOMC meeting dates including selected supporting documents

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Over the last decades, it has become increasingly popular to use event studies to study the effect of monetary policy on the economy and on financial markets (See e.g. Kuttner 20011, Romer and Romer 20042 or Nakamura and Steinsson 20183). It started with the observation that financial markets quickly price in new available information. With the development of higher computing power and storage capacity, other avenues have opened up such as the analysis of text data (See e.g. Hansen and McMahon 20164, Acosta 20215, ter Ellen et. al 20226, or Aruoba and Drechsel 20227). The main identification assumption of such event studies is that when the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) holds its usual meetings, the financial markets or text based high-frequency measures quickly incorporate the information from its announcements. Combined with the precise timing of the announcement, this assumption allows to specify an event window around the announcement times that not only captures the full effect of the announcement, but also be free of contamination from other shocks to the economy.

To be able to conduct such an event study, there is need to have the accurate dates of the FOMC meetings. The code below can be used to firstly identify the correct dates of meetings and (unscheduled) conference calls and secondly to download supporting documents that were generated for the meetings and are now public (from 1936 up to five years back from now). Moreover, there is a function to collect the dates of the most recent (last 5 years) meeting dates and a set of alredy available supporting documents. I hope this database or the code might be useful to someone who wants to conduct an event study or analyse the text documents produced for the FOMC meetings. Once the necessary packages are installed (especially Selenium with Geckodriver, see the following command can be executed to start the download from 1936 to 2016:

# Set basedir
dirname = "/path/to/basedir/ScrapeFOMC"

# Which documents to download
documentTypes = ["Record of Policy Actions", "Minutes", "Beige Book", "Tealbook A", "Tealbook B", "Greenbook",
                 "Bluebook", "Redbook", "Longer-Run Goals", "Memoranda", "Statement", "Supplement", "Transcript",
                 "Individual Projections"]

startyear = 1936
endyear = 2016

df1 = get_fomc_archive(dirname, startyear, endyear, documentTypes)

For the more modern dates and documents (many of them are not yet available) the following can be executed:

# Which documents to download
documentTypes = ["Minutes", "Longer-Run Goals", "Statement", "Projection"]

df2 = get_fomc_current(dirname, documentTypes)

Finally, this is the code for the two functions:

import os
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
from import By

def get_request_session(driver):
    import requests
    session = requests.Session()
    for cookie in driver.get_cookies():
        session.cookies.set(cookie['name'], cookie['value'])
    return session

def greenbook_special_cases(doc, row, browser, year):
        p1 = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH,
                              value=".//*[contains(text(), 'Part 1')]")
        p2 = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH,
                              value=".//*[contains(text(), 'Part 2')]")

        link1 = p1.get_attribute("href")
        link2 = p2.get_attribute("href")

        folderpath = os.path.join(dirname, "Documents", "Greenbook", str(year))
        filepath1 = os.path.join(folderpath, os.path.basename(link1))
        filepath2 = os.path.join(folderpath, os.path.basename(link2))

        Path(folderpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        chunk_size = 2000
        session = get_request_session(browser)
        r = session.get(link1, stream=True)
        with open(filepath1, 'wb') as file:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):

        r = session.get(link1, stream=True)
        with open(filepath2, 'wb') as file:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):

        row["Greenbook"] = os.path.join("Documents", "Greenbook", str(year),
                                             os.path.basename(link1)) + ";" + \
                                os.path.join("Documents", documentType, str(year),
        return row
    except Exception as e:

def get_fomc_archive(dirname, startyear, endyear, documentTypes):
    # Operating in headless mode?
    opts = Options()
    opts.headless = False

    # Start Browser
    browser = webdriver.Firefox(options=opts, executable_path=os.path.join(dirname, "geckodriver"))

    # Initiate dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=('Start', 'End', "Twoday", "Meeting", "Press Conference", "Record of Policy Actions", "Minutes", "Beige Book",
                           "Tealbook A", "Tealbook B", "Greenbook", "Bluebook", "Redbook", "Longer-Run Goals",
                           "Memoranda", "Statement", "Supplement", "Transcript", "Individual Projections"))

    # Choose daterange to scrape
    years = range(startyear, endyear)
    for year in years:
        url = "" + str(year) + ".htm"
        meetings = browser.find_elements(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value="panel-default")
        for meeting in meetings:
            docs = meeting.find_elements(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value="p")

            heading = meeting.find_element(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value="h5").text
            if heading.find("Meeting") != -1:
                meetingType = "Meeting"
            elif heading.find("Conference Call") != -1:
                meetingType = "Conference Call"
            elif heading.find("unscheduled") != -1:
                meetingType = "unscheduled"
                print("Is no Meeting or Conference Call! Then What?")

            date = heading.split(meetingType)[0].strip()
            if date.find("/") != -1:
                startmonth = date.split("/")[0]
                endmonth = date.split("/")[1].split(" ")[0]
                start = date.split(" ")[1].split("-")[0]
                end = date.split(" ")[1].split("-")[1]
            elif date.find("-") != -1:
                if len(date.split("-")[1]) > 4:
                    startmonth = date.split("-")[0].strip().split(" ")[0]
                    endmonth = date.split("-")[1].strip().split(" ")[0]
                    start = date.split("-")[0].strip().split(" ")[1]
                    end = date.split("-")[1].strip().split(" ")[1]
                    start = date.split(" ")[1].strip().split("-")[0]
                    end = date.split(" ")[1].strip().split("-")[1]
                    startmonth = endmonth = date.split("-")[0].strip().split(" ")[0]
            elif date.find("and") != -1:
                startmonth = endmonth = date.split(" ")[0]
                start = date.split(" ")[1].split(",")[0]
                end = date.split("and")[1].strip()
                startmonth = endmonth = date.split(" ")[0]
                start = end = date.split(" ")[1]

            if start == end:
                TwodayMeeting = 0
                TwodayMeeting = 1

            if "Press Conference" in meeting.text:
                PC = 1
                PC = 0

            row = pd.DataFrame({'Start': [pd.to_datetime(str(year) + startmonth + start, format='%Y%B%d')],
                                'End': [pd.to_datetime(str(year) + endmonth + end, format='%Y%B%d')],
                                'Twoday': [TwodayMeeting],
                                'Meeting': [meetingType],
                                'Press Conference': [PC]})
            for docT in documentTypes:
                row[docT] = None

            for doc in docs:
                for documentType in documentTypes:
                    try:  # Deal with some exceptions
                        if documentType in doc.text:
                            if documentType == "Greenbook" and "Part" in doc.text:
                                row = greenbook_special_cases(doc, row, browser, year)
                            elif documentType == "Minutes" and "Intermeeting" in doc.text:
                            elif "accessible materials" in doc.text or "ZIP" in doc.text:
                            elif documentType == "Statement" and "Longer-Run" in doc.text:
                            elif documentType == "Beige Book" and "PDF" in doc.text:
                                a = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=".//*[contains(text(), 'PDF')]")
                                link = a.get_attribute("href")
                            elif documentType == "Minutes" and "PDF" in doc.text:
                                a = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=".//*[contains(text(), 'PDF')]")
                                link = a.get_attribute("href")
                            elif documentType == "Beige Book" and "PDF" not in doc.text:
                                a = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=".//*[contains(text(), '" + documentType + "')]")
                                link = a.get_attribute("href")
                                link.replace("default", "FullReport")
                                a = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=".//*[contains(text(), '" + documentType + "')]")
                                link = a.get_attribute("href")

                            folderpath = os.path.join(dirname, "Documents", documentType, str(year))
                            filepath = os.path.join(folderpath, os.path.basename(link))
                            Path(folderpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

                            session = get_request_session(browser)
                            r = session.get(link, stream=True)
                            chunk_size = 2000
                            with open(filepath, 'wb') as file:
                                for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):

                            if row[documentType].isnull()[0]:
                                row[documentType] = os.path.join("Documents", documentType, str(year),
                                row[documentType] = row[documentType] + ";" + \
                                                    os.path.join("Documents", documentType, str(year),
                    except Exception as e:

            df = pd.concat([df, row], ignore_index=True)

        df.to_excel("FOMCData.xlsx", index=False)

    return df

def get_fomc_current(dirname, documentTypes):
    # Operating in headless mode?
    opts = Options()
    opts.headless = False

    # Start Browser
    browser = webdriver.Firefox(options=opts, executable_path=os.path.join(dirname, "geckodriver"))

    # Initiate dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=(
    'Start', 'End', "Twoday", "Meeting", "Press Conference", "Minutes", "Longer-Run Goals",
    "Statement", "Projection"))

    url = ""

    years = browser.find_elements(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value="panel-default")
    for yeardiv in years:
        year = yeardiv.text.split(" ")[0]
        meetings = yeardiv.find_elements(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value="fomc-meeting")
        for meeting in meetings:
            docs = meeting.find_elements(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value="col-xs-12")
            if "Press Conference" in meeting.text:
                PC = 1
                PC = 0
            month = meeting.find_element(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value="fomc-meeting__month").text
            if "/" in month:
                startmonth = month.split("/")[0]
                endmonth = month.split("/")[1]
                startmonth = endmonth = month

            date = meeting.find_element(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value="fomc-meeting__date").text
            if "(" in date:
                meetingType = date.split("(")[1].split(")")[0]
                date = date.split("(")[0]
                meetingType = "Meeting"
            if "-" in date:
                start = date.split("*")[0].split("-")[0].strip()
                end = date.split("*")[0].split("-")[1].strip()
                start = end = date.strip()

            if start == end:
                TwodayMeeting = 0
                TwodayMeeting = 1

                row = pd.DataFrame({'Start': [pd.to_datetime(str(year) + startmonth + start, format='%Y%B%d')],
                                    'End': [pd.to_datetime(str(year) + endmonth + end, format='%Y%B%d')],
                                    'Twoday': [TwodayMeeting],
                                    'Meeting': [meetingType],
                                    'Press Conference': [PC]})
            except Exception as e:
                    row = pd.DataFrame({'Start': [pd.to_datetime(str(year) + startmonth + start, format='%Y%b%d')],
                                        'End': [pd.to_datetime(str(year) + endmonth + end, format='%Y%b%d')],
                                        'Twoday': [TwodayMeeting],
                                        'Meeting': [meetingType],
                                        'Press Conference': [PC]})
                except Exception as e:

            for docT in documentTypes:
                row[docT] = None

            for doc in docs:
                for documentType in documentTypes:
                    if documentType in doc.text:
                        if documentType == "Minutes" and "PDF" in doc.text:
                                    a = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=".//*[contains(text(), 'PDF')]")
                        elif documentType == "Projection" and "PDF" in doc.text:
                                    a = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=".//*[contains(text(), 'PDF')]")
                        elif documentType == "Statement" and "PDF" in doc.text:
                                    a = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=".//*[contains(text(), 'PDF')]")
                        elif documentType == "Longer-Run Goals" and "Longer-Run" in doc.text:
                                    a = doc.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=".//*[contains(text(), 'Longer-Run')]")
                        link = a.get_attribute("href")

                    folderpath = os.path.join(dirname, "Current", documentType, str(year))
                    filepath = os.path.join(folderpath, os.path.basename(link))
                    Path(folderpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

                    session = get_request_session(browser)
                    r = session.get(link, stream=True)
                    chunk_size = 2000
                    with open(filepath, 'wb') as file:
                        for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size):

                    if row[documentType].isnull()[0]:
                        row[documentType] = os.path.join("Current", documentType, str(year),
                        row[documentType] = row[documentType] + ";" + \
                                            os.path.join("Current", documentType, str(year),
            df = pd.concat([df, row], ignore_index=True)
        df.to_excel("FOMCDataCurrent.xlsx", index=False)
    return df

  1. Kuttner, Kenneth N., 2001. “Monetary policy surprises and interest rates: Evidence from the Fed funds futures market,” Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, 47 (3), p. 523-544. 

  2. Romer, Christina, D., and David H. Romer, 2004. “A New Measure of Monetary Shocks: Derivation and Implications.” American Economic Review, 94 (4), p. 1055-1084. 

  3. Nakamura, Emi and Steinsson, Jón, 2018, High-Frequency Identification of Monetary Non-Neutrality: The Information Effect, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133 (3), p. 1283-1330. 

  4. Hansen, Stephen & McMahon, Michael, 2016. “Shocking language: Understanding the macroeconomic effects of central bank communication,” Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, 99 (S1), p. 114-133. 

  5. Acosta, Miguel, 2021, “The Perceived Causes of Monetary Policy Surprises,” miméo, Columbia University. 

  6. ter Ellen, S., Larsen, V.H. and Thorsrud, L.A., 2022, “Narrative Monetary Policy Surprises and the Media”. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 

  7. Boragan S., Aruoba and Drechsel, Thomas, 2022, “Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks: A Natural Language Approach”, miméo, University of Maryland