Creating content from Jupyter notebooks and R markdowns R Markdown
If you have some Markdowns around, you can use the function below to create jekyll content. Just execute KnitPost(rmd.path)
in a R console. Note that you need to add a specific YAML header to your Markdown file.
KnitPost <- function ( rmd.path , , basedir = "/path/to/basedir/" ) {
if ( ! 'package:knitr' %in% search ()) library ( 'knitr' )
site.path <- "/pagename"
## Some directories. This will depend on how you organize your page.
site.path <- site.path # directory of jekyll (including trailing slash)
fig.dir <- paste0 ( "public/img/" , , "/" ) # directory to save figures
posts.path <- paste0 ( site.path , "_posts/" ) # directory for converted markdown files
cache.path <- paste0 ( site.path , "_cache" ) # necessary for plots
render_jekyll ( highlight = "pygments" )
opts_knit $ set ( base.url = "" , base.dir = basedir )
opts_chunk $ set ( fig.path = fig.dir ,
fig.width = 8 ,
fig.height = 5 ,
dev = 'png' ,
cache = F ,
warning = F ,
message = F ,
cache.path = cache.path ,
tidy = F )
out <- paste0 ( basedir , "_posts/" , format ( Sys.time (), '%Y-%m-%d-' ), basename ( gsub ( pattern = ".Rmd$" , replacement = ".md" , x = rmd.path )))
out.file <- knit ( as.character ( rmd.path ),
output = as.character ( out ),
envir = parent.frame (),
quiet = T )
# Correct image paths
lines <- readLines ( as.character ( out ))
imglines <- lines [ grepl ( paste0 ( "public/img/" , ), lines )]
split1 <- sapply ( strsplit ( imglines , "\\(" ), `[` , 1 )
split2 <- sapply ( strsplit ( sapply ( strsplit ( sapply ( strsplit ( imglines , "\\(" ), `[` , 2 ), "/" ), `[` , 4 ), "\\)" ), `[` , 1 )
lines [ grepl ( paste0 ( "public/img/" , ), lines )] <- paste0 ( split1 , "({{ \"public/img/" , , "/" , split2 , "\" | relative_url }}) " )
writeLines ( lines , as.character ( out ))
The output is between the two horizontal lines below.
This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see .
When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:
data = read.table ( "california_highschools.txt" , sep = "," , header = T )
head ( data )
## School teachers test_score enrollment
## 1 Sunol Glen Unified 10.90 691 195
## 2 Manzanita Elementary 11.15 661 240
## 3 Thermalito Union Elementary 82.90 644 1550
## 4 Golden Feather Union Elementary 14.00 648 243
## 5 Palermo Union Elementary 71.50 641 1335
## 6 Burrel Union Elementary 6.40 606 137
x = data $ enrollment / data $ teachers
y = data $ test_score
boxplot ( y ~ floor ( x ))
Jupyter notebooks
Similarly for Jupyter notebooks you can use the following function and execute $ python notebook.ipynb
in a terminal.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
Borrowed and updated from
from __future__ import print_function
from datetime import datetime
import functools
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import io
import base64
def main ():
if len ( sys . argv ) != 2 :
print ( "Usage: {} filename.ipynb" . format ( sys . argv [ 0 ]))
print ( "Will create" )
return 1
filename = sys . argv [ 1 ]
notebook = json . load ( open ( filename ))
dirname = os . path . dirname ( filename )
title = os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( filename ))[ 0 ]
out_filename = os . path . join (
dirname ,
"{}.md" . format ( title )
out_content = ""
mem_file = io . StringIO ()
write = functools . partial ( print , file = mem_file )
cells = notebook [ 'cells' ]
now = datetime . now ()
write ( "---" )
write ( "layout: post" )
write ( "title: " )
write ( "date: " , now . strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ))
write ( "---" )
xx = 1
for cell in cells :
try :
if cell [ 'cell_type' ] == 'markdown' :
# Easy
write ( '' . join ( cell [ 'source' ]))
elif cell [ 'cell_type' ] == 'code' :
write ( "{% capture content %}{% highlight python %}" )
write ( '' . join ( cell [ 'source' ]))
write ( "{% endhighlight %}{% endcapture %}" )
write ( """{{% include notebook-cell.html execution_count="[{}]:" content=content type='input' %}}""" . format (
cell [ 'execution_count' ],
unknown_types = { o [ 'output_type' ] for o in cell [ 'outputs' ]} - { 'stream' , 'execute_result' , 'display_data' }
if unknown_types :
raise ValueError ( "Unknown types : {}" . format ( ", " . join ( unknown_types )))
for output in cell [ 'outputs' ]:
if output [ 'output_type' ] == 'execute_result' :
write ( "{% capture content %}" ) #{% highlight python %}")
write ( '' . join ( output [ 'data' ][ "text/html" ])) #plain
write ( "{% endcapture %}" ) #{% endhighlight %}
write (
"""{{% include notebook-cell.html execution_count="[{}]:" "
"content=content type='output' %}}""" . format (
cell [ 'execution_count' ],
elif output [ 'output_type' ] == 'display_data' :
png_b64text = output [ 'data' ][ "image/png" ]
bpng_b64text = bytes ( png_b64text , encoding = "UTF-8" )
with open ( "image" + str ( xx ) + ".png" , "wb" ) as fh :
fh . write ( base64 . decodestring ( bpng_b64text ))
#png_recovered = base64.decodestring(png_b64text) #this worked under python 2.
#f = open("img.png", "w")
fh . close ()
write ( "![png]({{ /public/img/" + title + "/image" + str ( xx ) + ".png | relative_url }})" )
xx += 1
else :
write ( """<pre class="stream">""" )
if output [ 'output_type' ] == 'stream' :
write ( '' . join ( output [ 'text' ]). strip ( " \n " )) #text
elif output [ 'output_type' ] == 'pyerr' :
write ( ' \n ' . join ( strip_colors ( o )
for o in output [ 'traceback' ]). strip ( " \n " ))
write ( "</pre>" )
except :
print ( cell , type ( cell ))
write ( "" )
with open ( out_filename , "w" ) as out_file :
out_file . write ( mem_file . getvalue ())
print ( "{} created." . format ( out_filename ))
ansi_escape = re . compile ( r '\x1b[^m]*m' )
def strip_colors ( string ):
return ansi_escape . sub ( '' , string )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
main ()
Finally we need some scss styling for the page in addition to the standard syntax highlighter:
div .cell {
background-color : var ( -- code-background-color );
border-radius : 5px ;
padding : 5px ;
page-break-inside : auto ;
display : - webkit-box ;
-webkit-box-orient : horizontal ;
-webkit-box-align : stretch ;
display : - moz-box ;
-moz-box-orient : horizontal ;
-moz-box-align : stretch ;
display : box ;
box-orient : horizontal ;
box-align : stretch ;
display : flex ;
flex-direction : row ;
align-items : stretch ;
/*overflow-x: auto;*/
/* border: 1px dashed #444; */
.prompt {
min-width : 10ex ;
padding : 0em ;
margin : 0px 3px 0px 0px ;
font-family : monospace ;
font-size : 14px ;
text-align : left ;
line-height : 1 .21429em ;
-webkit-touch-callout : none ;
-webkit-user-select : none ;
-khtml-user-select : none ;
-moz-user-select : none ;
-ms-user-select : none ;
user-select : none ;
cursor : default ;
white-space : nowrap ;
div .prompt {
& .input-prompt {
color : #303F9F ;
/*border-top: 1px solid transparent;*/
& .output-prompt {
color : #D84315 ;
pre .stream {
font-family : 'Lucida Console' , 'Monaco' , monospace ;
font-size : 11px ;
color : #808080 ;
line-height : 1 .2 ;
background-color : var ( -- background-color );;
padding : 0rem 0rem 0rem 1rem ;
overflow-x : auto ;
/* white-space: pre-wrap !important; CSS 2.1 */
blockquote {
color : #aaa ;
padding-left : 10px ;
border-left : 1px dotted #666 ;
Below is the output of this function
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
x = np . linspace ( 0 , 5 , 10 )
xx = np . linspace ( - 0.75 , 1. , 100 )
n = np . array ([ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ])
dates = pd . date_range ( '20130101' , periods = 6 )
df = pd . DataFrame ( np . random . randn ( 6 , 4 ), index = dates , columns = list ( 'ABCD' ))
This is an example text.
fig , axes = plt . subplots ( 1 , 4 , figsize = ( 12 , 3 ))
axes [ 0 ]. scatter ( xx , xx + 0.25 * np . random . randn ( len ( xx )))
axes [ 0 ]. set_title ( "scatter" )
axes [ 1 ]. step ( n , n ** 2 , lw = 2 )
axes [ 1 ]. set_title ( "step" )
axes [ 2 ]. bar ( n , n ** 2 , align = "center" , width = 0.5 , alpha = 0.5 )
axes [ 2 ]. set_title ( "bar" )
axes [ 3 ]. fill_between ( x , x ** 2 , x ** 3 , color = "green" , alpha = 0.5 );
axes [ 3 ]. set_title ( "fill_between" );
show ( fig )
# polar plot using add_axes and polar projection
fig = plt . figure ()
ax = fig . add_axes ([ 0.0 , 0.0 , . 6 , . 6 ], polar = True )
t = np . linspace ( 0 , 2 * np . pi , 100 )
ax . plot ( t , t , color = 'blue' , lw = 3 );
show ( fig )
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