- Economic variables and indicators are published with significant delay
- Difficult to assess the health of the economy during the rapidly evolving Covid–19 crisis
24 May, 2021
Financial Market Data
News Sentiment
with \(X\) = data matrix, \(F\) = common factors. \(\Lambda\) = factor loadings, \(e\) = error term - f-curve is the first principal component of the static factor model
Indicator closely tracks economic crises
The peak during the Covid-19 crisis is comparable with the Financial Crisis. But the speed of the downturn is considerably higher
The Covid-19 crisis is less persistent
Begins to increase in February
Reaches the peak in March, just after national lockdown
Up to 16 June 2020, the f-curve improved to 1/4 of its peak value during the lockdown
Pseudo out-of-sample realtime evaluation using direct forecast model: \(Y_{T+h} = \alpha_h + \beta_{h,1} f_{T|t} + \beta_{h,2} f_{T-1} + v_{T+h}\)
f-curve is not significantly worse than SECO‘s first estimate but available 2 months earlier
Financial market data respond more strongly during crises
News Indicator is much more volatile
Much room for improvement for the news indicator
News sentiments could exploit more sources, especially from the French- and Italian-speaking parts of Switzerland
Use a topic modeling algorithm, instead of own search queries, to classify news
Lexicon could be tailored specifically to economic news
Develop a daily indicator of Swiss economic activity using financial market and news data
Evaluation shows that it‘s correlated with other business cycle indicators and accurately tracks Swiss GDP growth
Major strength: can be calculated with a delay of 1 day